Disclaimer and Social Media Policy

General Disclaimer

A concerted attempt has been made by the owner of this Website to source information on this site that is based on the most recent and scientifically valid research literature. However, it should be noted that the scientific evidence base is continually growing and changing. As such, information on this website should be treated as an initial guide only. When seeking help for mental or physical health problems it is recommended that you always first obtain professional advice from a qualified health practitioner in the relevant field. Your GP is a good place to start.

The Website owner operates the Website as an online resource dedicated to the provision of readily accessible information relating to mindfulness training and services of community organisations and practitioners working in the field psychotherapy. Given the changing nature of information, the website owner cannot ensure either the truth or the accuracy of the information provided, or that it is free from error or omission. The information provided on the Website is for educational and personal use of a general nature only and is not intended to replace sound professional or medical advice. Diagnosis of mental health problems requires trained mental health professionals. The information contained within the Website should not be used as a substitute for seeking professional care in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders or health problems more generally. Users of this site should consult and follow the advice of their doctor or other health care professional at all times. Every reasonable effort will be made by the owner of this website to keep information up to date as practically possible. It is the full responsibility of the user to ensure they obtain professional health care advice.

Through this website you may be able to link to other websites. These other websites can change at any time and are not under the control of this website. The owner of this website therefore has no control over the nature, content and availability of those websites. Also, the inclusion of any links on this website does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorsement of the views expressed within them.

It is also advised that people do not embark on attempting mindfulness practices on their own without a clinical assessment from a qualified mental health practitioner, and without instruction and support of a qualified, well trained and experienced practitioner that works in the field. Mindfulness training can be quite challenging, and it is possible that in some cases can lead to aversive experiences. Mindfulness training should therefore be used in relation to specific types of problems where it has been demonstrated to be effective, on the recommendation of qualified mental health professional, and in an appropriate clinical setting where access to support is available.

When using information on this website, the user therefore acknowledges and agrees to all the previous terms of use and disclaimers. The owner of this website in no way takes any personal responsibility or liability for any adverse outcomes that may occur due to errors or omissions on this Website, or in relation to adverse outcomes from mindfulness training or related practices that may potentially occur.

Apart from downloading any material or information solely for personal use, or any use permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), the information or materials on this website may not be published, or reproduced in any material form whatsoever, without the express permission of the website author and owner.


Social Media Policy


As a general policy I do not accept friend or contact requests from current or former patients on any social networking site (Facebook, Linkedln, etc). I believe that adding patients as friends or contacts on these sites can compromise your confidentiality and our respective privacy. It may also blur the boundaries of our therapeutic relationship.


Please be aware that email is not a completely secure or confidential form of communication. If you choose to communicate with us by email, be aware that all emails are retained in the logs of your and our Internet service providers. While it is unlikely that someone will be looking at these logs, they are, in theory, available to be read by the system administrator(s) of the Internet service provider. You should also know that any emails received from you and any responses that we send to you become a part of your legal record. I therefore from a privacy and confidentiality perspective encourage judicious use of email as means of communication.


Similar to email, SMS text messages received from you or any responses that I send are from a legal perspective part of your legal record, which can be under certain circumstances subpoenaed by the legal system. From a privacy perspective, I therefore encourage considered use of SMS texting as means of communication.

If you have any further questions about the above disclosure, please do not hesitate to contact me. Also please read the FAQ page on this website.



Mark Craigie, Website Author and Owner, 1/2/2018.